Privacy and Legal

Below is the Privacy Policy for this site.

The owner and technical manager of this site is Mirko Benedetti. You can contact him at the following email, for all the privacy concerns:

Mirko Benedetti Privacy Policy English

By contacting Mirko Benedetti at the above email you agree to the rules dictated by this privacy policy.

By contacting Mirko Benedetti at the above address, or at the contact form, you agree to make him aware of your email address and any information of a private nature that you wish to share.

You also agree to give the same type of consent for the Skype ID, in case of a Skype contact.

I hereby recommend not to include in the information, data of a sensitive nature such as religious orientation, sexual orientation or regarding health status.

Users have the right, upon request, to change their consent and to request the deletion, even total, of their data. You can read more about your rights at the following website:

This site does not issue cookies that profile the user. Mirko Benedetti is not able to track for commercial purposes the habits of the user. Read more about cookies at

The so-called cookie in this case indicates a text element stored on the devices. You can use it for various purposes. This includes improving the user experience.

If you intend to post a comment and select the cookie checkbox, you agree thus that the information related to the comment itself is stored in a technical cookie.


A certain portion of the content on this site was generated with the use of artificial intelligence.

Usage License

The written content of this site is intended to be licensed by MIT.